Boyfriend Material (Ethan & Wyatt #2) by K.A. Mitchell

BoyfriendMaterialPhysically, it’s easy for Ethan and Wyatt to be together—well, if “easy” means stolen moments when Ethan’s roommate is away, or sneaking away to a hidden nook in the library. Privacy is hard to come by in a dorm, but finding ways to connect is half the fun. 
Emotionally, though, that’s a different story. Wyatt isn’t sure if a relationship is something he can make last—years of having to hide his emotions have left him with a shaky sense of self-confidence. And when it’s time to head home for the holidays, their steamy on-campus connection may not translate so well to the real world…

CreativeDeedsReadsDisclosure1This installment of the Ethan & Wyatt series was short and sweet, but that doesn’t meant it was lacking… especially in emotion.

The first book in this series was Getting Him Back, which introduced Ethan and Wyatt. It would have been easy to get frustrated with Wyatt’s hesitance to trust what he and Ethan had. Their relationship was still new and since readers had the advantage of being in Ethan’s head in Getting Him Back, we had a slight advantage. The tables were turned in Boyfriend Material and readers got a chance to find out exactly how insecure Wyatt really was… and why.

Even though Boyfriend Material was short and sweet (just under 100 pages) it covered a lot of ground. Wyatt may not have been able to totally trust what he had with Ethan, but even when they weren’t together, it gave him quality time with his uncle. That time gave him the confidence to believe that things for him could actually turn around.

Beyond Ethan and Wyatt, there were characters that I both loved and hated… some of those characters I wasn’t quite prepared for. Those confrontations made me love Ethan just a little bit more – they also didn’t gain Blake any brownie points. I really thought… well, you’ll just have to read Boyfriend Material to see what I mean. *sigh*

Needless to say, I’m really hoping that there’s more to come for Ethan & Wyatt. 😉



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